Gantry 5 is the latest generation of a powerful, flexible open source theming framework currently available for Joomla, WordPress, and Grav. One of the primary goals behind Gantry 5's development has been to make it easier for non-developers to get a lot more done without ever having to open a single code editor or directly alter any files. Gantry 5 is really easy to use. It has drag-and-drop functionality that enables you to dramatically change the layout of your site in seconds without ever having to even touch your keyboard. Explore all the Gantry 5 features here.

Gantry 5 particles

Discover Gantry 5's core Particles, and how they work within the Layout Manager to make creating your site's Layout quick and easy.

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Millions, Worldwide, Love, Joomla 4

  • About the Author: Uurnip greens yarrow ricebean endive cauliflower sea lettuce kohlrabi amaranth water spinach avocado daikon napa cabbage asparagus winter purslane kale.